By [Mikeal Keating] with a real large of Tunisian footage.
Labels: Master piece of the Day
Art that shocks is not necessarily meant to shock, but I would say that the fundamental aim is to reveal the hidden, the silenced, the unseen, and the forgotten. Such an art speaks what should not spoken and exhibits what should be not shown, a daring choice of the artist who seeks to distress the ordinary, the common, and the mainstream with the different and the alternative.
According to Michel Foucault, the official discourses occlude forms of knowledge that are different and distinct from them. Hence, the normal person is not the specimen; the good citizen is different from the delinquent; the normal straight cannot be a pervert; a girl cannot be a boy. Official discourses are but constructs, and when we tackle the question of gender, we may say that the demarcation between sexes is but a social and cultural construct, a wobbly duality.
An exhibition of daring photographs in the Gallery “Cine Son” in La Marsa is wrapping up this weekend after running about two weeks and bestowing an opportunity upon the lovers and enthusiasts of art and photography to discover an alternative perspective and representation of gender. Tarak Khalladi, a young Tunisian cineaste and photographer, an emerging talent, is one of the partakers in this exhibition. Speaking to Alarabonline, Khalladi said, “I think it is high time to offer the young Tunisian talents a chance to enter the arena of artistic design. Tunisian art has a lot to say and to offer, notably new and original techniques and perspectives”.
Presenting his work, Kalladi added, “I attempted to blur the boundary between the masculine and the feminine so as to shatter the demarcation line between genders. In photos, I tried to highlight masculinity that survives within extreme and intense femininity”. In black and white, the photos speak out a message, a modern or let us brand it a “postmodern message” that blurs boundaries and blows apart duality. Deconstructing, to use the expression coined by Jacques Derrida, the already-established official gender construct, Khalladi shot to some extent erotic, but expressive scenes: a woman girded with a bodice, an ode to seductive femininity; another woman dressed like a little girl clutching a doll, a quiz, a quagmire that pushes the viewers to ask quite a few questions, paradoxes brought into harmony through the camera of the artist photographer.
With Khalladi, art has no taboo as it digs into the secrecies and ambiguities of the body, the body that has it own aesthetics though always silenced. A new approach to photography, the young artist has adopted through mixing different techniques and making use of the skills he gained from cinematography. In an attempt to satisfy an audience that has been bored with minimalism and superficiality, the artist has conducted his research and enquiry taking the body as a starting point to convey a new perception.
It is worth noting, in this context, that Khalladi has worked with a number of Tunisian and foreign artists, notably painter Aicha Ben Mostapha throughout the exhibition that was held in El-Teatro in Tunis, Abdelaziz Mohsni, Sami Mrad, Claude Perez, Lamine Sassi, Chahla Soumer, Ahmed Zelfani and others.
Via [Alarab Online]
Labels: tunisian photographer
As planned above, the meetup was help in Jamaica Cafe around Amine's encounter; a rounded shaped guy with a might beard that is pretending to do cinema while his photos rocks and so did say everybody around a set of fans who came to see him while he was unable to remember including Zied, Chikipi, Mehdi, Rasta Raf and other 3 non photographers buddies, Amine missed the fun as he seemed to got stuck with some family business.
Amine told us of the two short movies he did shot for the Carthage Cinema festival and how he went to Italy to study Cinema but also we talked about and why and why photography should be a way to make money to refund the hobby.
An other intersting item discussed while we were there is how to set up an exposition gathering the whole crew, but many didn't agree and said that it needs a couple of months and it be the same way like JPG Magazine.
Labels: amine messadi, meetup
Part of Tunisian perspectives by [Harold Godsoe]
Labels: Master piece of the Day
After his debut and award winning entry in the International Photography Awards (IPA) Lucies in 2007, Saudi photographer Faisal Al-Malki, 31, has built on his success by winning a clutch of awards at the Lucies this year. They include accolades as Photographer of the Year in the Fine Art in Nonprofessional category for his entry, “Detour,” a photograph taken in Riyadh.
Via [Arab News]
Few Arabic photographers won trophies, Faisal did it, congratulations to the man.
take a look at [Faisal works on JPG magazine]
Labels: arab, cometition
Amine Messadi will be s special guest for our next meetp
Location: Jamaica Bar - El hana - Downtown
Date: Friday October 10th.
Time: Stating 7 p.m
We are expecting you as usual, please get sure to be part of our Google and Facebook groups.
Labels: amine messadi
A classic country scene by [GungaJim Downs]
Labels: Master piece of the Day
AN excellent artwork covering Ramadan all over the Islamic nations by Alan Taylor:
Muslim faithful throughout the world are currently observing the holy month of Ramadan. Observant Muslims participate in fasting (sawm), one of the five pillars of their faith, this entire Lunar month (this year it extends from September 1st to the 30th). Eating, drinking, smoking and sexual activity is prohibited from dawn until sunset, when the fast is broken with the evening meal called Iftar. Local customs define varying traditions, including differing types of food used to break the daily fast. The fasting is meant to teach a person patience, humility and sacrifice, to set aside time to ask forgiveness, practice self-restraint, and pray for guidance in the future.
Featuring an excellent photo set over here.
Labels: arab, photojournalism
Blue as Sidi Bou Said, a Renault 4L is making no surprise by [Benoist Sebire]
Labels: Master piece of the Day
A valuable collection of photos found in the US embassy site split into three galleries: Habib Bourguiba, Mohamed Gammoudi ,Tunisian and American VIPs Exchange visits all in black and white dating since the late sixties for events relating both countries, the photos were given a full brief description but there were no credits about the photographers, the photos are available in large format enough to get prints and there were no copyrights warning or any other license thus the photos can be used for personal use.
I really like that gallery, certainly a time machine back in time where Tunisian-American relationship have started, Bourguiba was quite influenced by the way US forged its success.
Labels: black and white
By [Janis Grodums]
Labels: Master piece of the Day
The organizing committee of the Festival "VIEWS OF AMERICA," Close Encounters of American Independent Cinema Tunis, and his partner, the production company DIGIPRO, with the support of the Embassy of USA in Tunis and AMIDEAST, organizes a combination of audiovisual creation.
The contest is open to students enrolled in universities Tunisian and / or the Tunisian youth under 28 years. Participants should submit a film dealing with an original and light "the challenges of youth Tunisian" such as unemployment, AIDS, extremism, immigration, etc..
Films submitted must meet the following criteria:
-- From three to six minutes in duration,
-- Shot any video (digital, VHS, phone, etc..)
-- Final product delivered on DVD.
The competition results will be communicated to the participants and the public in early September.
Ten films will be selected and prizes will be distributed to various their directors:
-- 1st, 2nd, 3rd places - An all-expenses-paid trip to New York to attend the New York Film Festival in early October 2008,
-- 4th to 10th places - digital video cameras and other prizes.
The deadline for submission of work is Saturday, August 2, 2008. The work accompanied by a fact sheet mentioning the title of the film, duration, the name of the director, its details and a photocopy of an identity, must be mailed or hand-delivered to the address Next:
21 Rue 8606, Charguia 1
2035 – Tunis, Tunisie
Site web:
Via [Views of America group in FB]
Labels: competition, event
Taken in Matmata by [Amine Messadi]
Labels: Master piece of the Day
As planned before I went to Al Marsa exposition featuring all kinds of arts: plastic arts, painting and photography all in a big Palace that would take your breath for a whole ballad but give your energy as the works you're gonna see are quiet excellent and I really enjoyed the youngsters photography style, especially the one featuring the boy haircut girl, I was completely sold out seeing such beauty works indeed it's worth going to.
![]() |
The arts Spring of Al Marsa |
A smiling woman guading a cow by [Drik Panier]
Labels: Master piece of the Day
arabianEye’s image library is 100% Middle Eastern. It’s big and it’s growing. It’s fast and it’s changing. It’s already changed the face of Arabian imagery – capsizing the grotesque status quo of endless clichés, show-and-tell concepts and soulless smiley pics.
What we do:
Image library: we focus on editorial and commercial gulf images – so enthusiastically that we have the largest collection of Middle Eastern royalty-free and rights-managed creative imagery. You can source these through arabianEye and through our international partners.
Production: with our ‘you dream it, we shoot it’ approach, we take care of everything from concept to finished product. We’re also well established in the region, with a range of international clients, from Time Magazine to major corporations based in the Middle East.
Arabian is the only arabic photo agency gathering a bunch of photographers all over the world, very few arabs focsing in imaging the Arab world, it's sopmehow becomed an Arabic Getty images with thousands of of photo stock and hundreds of photographers, I hope to see more arab photographers there.
The site is also open to anyone competing with a professionnel artwork, I didn't see none from the maghreb down there as I know that most of them have business with french photo agencies (as Jalel Gastli) and I wish if somwhow there was some kind of photo business nest by Arabs for Arabs.
Take a look at [Arabian Eye] and their [Blog]
Labels: arab
Zoom (a local canon reseller) have launched lately a photo competition with free theme exposed in a gallery in Menzeh 4 for photographers under 30 years, the awards went to:
- 1st prize: Adel Ben Yacoub.
- 2nd Kais Ben Farhat.
- 3th Ahmed Jelassi.
The event will be a yearly competition indeed it would be an other challenge next to the one we already have and I'm really satisfied with the quality of Jury, the prize and the mediation of the event.
Labels: competition, event
By [Bill Hocker]
Labels: Master piece of the Day
"The Tate has just sent me its magnificent book of orientalist paintings to coincide with its latest exhibition (The Lure of the East: British Orientalist Painting) and I am struck by the awesome beauty of this work. In the 19th century, our great painters wondered at the glories of the Orient.
No more painters today. Instead, we send our photographers and they return with pictures of car bombs and body parts and blood and destroyed homes and Palestinians pleading for food and fuel and hooded gunmen on the streets of Beirut, yes, and dead Israelis too. The orientalists looked at the majesty of this place and today we look at the wasteland which we have helped to create."
Via [The traveler Photographer]
What is shocking is the main difference between paintings and photojournalism, painting is meant to show beauty, will nowadays all the images send from the Arab world are all just about conflicts, death and chaos in a bitter black and white, our image is being work out in the bad way, the media are just spotted on bloody lands leaving since 9/11 and no more is really curious about finding a desert rose as much as seeming more storms.
Here come the role of photographers to counter back the stereotype of war and disaster, more lovely spots, smiling faces would bring back some harmony to our world. Unfortunately Arab photography is very limited and unknown, but we can still try...
By [Leigh Fatzinger]
Labels: Master piece of the Day
26 - June 29, 2008
Les Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie de Ghar El Melh have become the great appointment of photography in Tunisia. Photographers from all sides: confirmed, new, children and the general public expect the last week of June to look, listen, do speak… all the senses will be arrested. Exhibits, workshops, panel discussions, slide shows a menu is also gratifying that teaching.
Since its invention, photography continues to metamorphose, to the point where it seems that every photographer, creating its subject, invents its own medium. Each edition of the Rencontres is an anthology of looks from here and elsewhere previously. Venues from abroad or Tunisia, exhibitions are always a certain way of seeing the world. In Bamako as in Arles, Paris or Barcelona, the organisers: commissioner or curator, s'ingénient to build a theme events. In the exhibition galleries Fort Ghar El Melh - former penal colony - where for a long time any event basic freedom was banned today no restrictions are imposed. Meetings Ghar El Melh are a tribute, always renewed, the photographers who sublimate life.
Carte Blanche collectors The exhibitions last year Mustapha Bouchoucha and Victor Sebag had a great success. This year Beit Bennani and Iadh Behi return to submit their shots heart. "Anonymous" is a selection of photographs without mention delved into the fund Beit Bennani, but whose documentary value is undeniable. Soler was the photographer for a long time that any s'arrachait Tunis, he was the photographer official ceremonies, the reporter whose photos illustrated journals from the early twentieth century and a portrait of talent. Iadh Behi offers a choice of savoir faire of this photographer.
Round Tables I: "The pictures today"
(Led by Amar Dhaya, University)
It is possible to consider photography as an area that is sufficient in itself, a stirring panorama as broad as the imagination allows the photographer while being containing photographic. It is also possible to meet a different picture, known as plastic, worked or "photoshopée", which spans areas, erases labels and demystifies history.
The first provided a wealth of world-famous photographers, a significant amount of works that take the icon. The second, because newer, less is known to the public. Visible only in the galleries, it is for the moment, confidential.
These two photographs meet sometimes violently, through their tenants, with arguments by critics texts and rarely through the works or theories.
All of this leads inevitably to, once again, seeking a definition of photography and a statute for the photographer.
Round Tables II: "The photograph in these relations with the media"
(Led by Mohamed Elhedef, journalist and photographer)
What information should be mostly in their paper version without photographs? A non-illustrated article seems sometimes suspect because the photographers, amateur or professional, are ubiquitous. But this beautiful marriage between the press and the picture is sometimes acrimonious. The scenes of households are becoming common to the point where it is periodically to the brink of collapse.
Photographs published out of context of achievement, false stories, even photographers who manipulate their works have become commonplace.
Like always trains arriving on time and nobody speaks and who become the subject of a scandal without precedent when one of them shows a slight delay, photography fills often marvel at its role . The debate, introduced by a review of photographs that have surprised, shocked or outraged, analyze the path that follows an image of the photographer drive. Course mined, chaotic and often dangerous.
The Night meetings
The evenings of meetings will be set aside for photography, how can it be otherwise, thirst that we organize and you look. In the vast courtyard of the first fort, projections will be organized to add to the vision, the sound of music accompanying commentary or a photographer. Jean Claude - alias Father Fourat - Imed and Donia show every night bêtisier Encounters. This year, a slide show will allow the public to assess programmes carried out by photographers who hope to win "The challenge for Ghar El Melh" trophy that will crown the creativity and boldness.
Photography workshop for children and adults
The workshops, as their name suggests, are more than one site preparations. The result does not count more than the work leading thereto. "The Wall images", "Life, face and portrait", "Their photos… our legends", "Family Album," are some of the workshops where children give free rein to their imagination, fantasy and innocence. The photographers will be invited to take part and children by the hand to the wonderful world of photography.
Journal of Meetings
Le Corsaire écumera the shores of Ghar El Melh for the third consecutive year. Auditors reported the course of the event, interviews with photographers, citations to remember, excerpts book to read, memorize vocabulary, helping heart of poets, are the topics.
Photo Academy
The Academy of Art in Carthage is a new private school to teach photography in Tunisia. With equipment at the cutting edge of technology, experienced teachers will be glad to show you how to use your digital camera, make a portrait studio and exploit the possibilities of Photoshop. A team of students from this institution will cover the highlights of the day and will screen his interviews and reports each evening.
Back in a work, photography by A. Kahia
What other event could pay tribute to Abdelhamid Kahia? Les Rencontres hope enroll in the Tunisian landscape photography as a reference to consult. A slide show, made after his great book "Tunisia" published in 1964, will explore photography Abdelhamid Kahia, one of the few masters of photography Tunisia.
After midnight
"After midnight" is a meeting, informal and relaxed on the beach of Sidi Ali El Mekki, where interrogations, which have always accompanied the photographer, will be raised. What is a good photograph? The photographer must seek to be happy or to please the public? And the art market! Should we follow or ignore? These are some of the questions which no reply has been unanimously. Here and nowhere else, the digressions are allowed if desired, photography leads to everything and what better place to escape the starry sky of Tunisia and the beach of Sidi Ali El Mekki? The echoes of discussions last year, which ended at sunrise, still resonate today. Some went to bed others have had enough strength to go eat doughnuts and start a new day. The meeting is also this: a performance of physical endurance.
The animations
June 26
09h-12h: photography workshops for children
"Guided tours of exhibitions with Hamideddine
"The wall images with Rania
"Your photos… our legends" with Hajer
"Life, face portraits" with Rabaa
16h-18h: Workshop for adolescents and adults
"Picture Academy", with the Academy of Art in Carthage
22h to 00h: Nocturnes.
The information (students of the Academy of Art in Carthage)
"Back in a work, photography by A. Kahia" Hamideddine
Slideshows contributing to the Challenge Ghar El Melh
"The bêtisier of the day" by Jean Claude alias Father Fourat, Imed and Donia
Beach Sidi El Mekki
00h to 02h: "After midnight, meeting informally with photographers.
June 27
09h-12h: photography workshops for children
"Guided tours of exhibitions with Lilia
"The wall images with Rania
"Your photos… our legends" with Hajer
"Life, face portraits" with Rabaa
16h-18h: Workshop for adolescents and adults
"Picture Academy", with the Academy of Art in Carthage
22h to 00h: Nocturnes.
The information (students of the Academy of Art in Carthage)
Slideshows contributing to the Challenge Ghar El Melh
"The bêtisier of the day" by Jean Claude alias Father Fourat, Imed and Donia
Beach Sidi El Mekki
00h to 02h: "After midnight, meeting informally with photographers.
June 28
09h-12h: photography workshops for children
"Guided tours of exhibitions" with Marianne
"The wall images with Rania
"Your photos… our legends" with Hajer
"Life, face portraits" with Rabaa "
"Reporters at GEM" with Lilia
16h-18h: Workshop for adolescents and adults
"Picture Academy", with the Academy of Art in Carthage
Panel I: "The pictures today"
22h to 00h: Nocturnes.
The information (students of the Academy of Art in Carthage)
Slideshows contributing to the Challenge Ghar El Melh
"The day of the bêtisier" by Jean Claude alias Father Fourat, Imed and Donia
Beach Sidi El Mekki
00h to 02h: "After midnight, meeting informally with photographers.
June 29
09h-12h: photography workshops for children
"Guided tours of exhibitions with Nathalia
"The wall images with Rania
"Your photos… our legends" with Hajer
"Life, face portraits" with Rabaa
"Family Albums" with Lilia
16h-18h: Workshop for adolescents and adults
"Picture Academy", with the Academy of Art in Carthage
Panel II: "The photograph in these relations with the media"
22h to 00h: Nocturnes.
"The bêtisier of the day" by Jean Claude alias Father Fourat, Imed and Donia
Slideshows contributing to the Challenge Ghar El Melh and awards ceremony.
"Back in a work, photography by A. Kahia" Hamideddine
Special Info (students of the Academy of Art in Carthage)
Beach Sidi El Mekki
00h to 02h: "After midnight," Farewell.
Via [Du photographique] freshly translated fron French with Google.
Labels: event
Anonymes, fonds Beit el Bennani (Tunisia)
Soler, fonds Iadh Béhi (Tunisia)
Abid Ons (Tunisia)
Abouzid Kamel (Lybia)
Akram Abderrazzak (Tunisia)
Amri Hassen (Tunisia)
Barioun Talel (Lybia)
Belhassen Imed (Tunisia)
Ben Mustapha Aicha (Tunisia)
Bensaadi Ramzy (Algérie)
Benzid Lilia (Tunisia)
Bouali Hamideddine (Tunisia)
Catzaras Marianna (Tunisia/Greece)
Chagour Samia (Tunisia)
Chebbi Mohamed Haythem (Tunisia)
Coto Gael (France)
De la Mauvinière Sylvia (France)
Fauqué Nicolas (France/Tunisia)
Fitouri Jamila (Lybia)
Frikha Sami (Tunisia)
Hammi Mohamed (Tunisia)
Iverney Claude (France)
Jabeur Salah (Tunisia)
Jaskula Natalia (Pologne)
Jeradi Wiem (Tunisia)
Kéchine Abderazak (Tunisia)
Lefevre Patrick (France)
Maamri Karim (Tunisia)
Marouane Trabelsi (Tunisia)
Messadi Amine (Tunisia)
Paiva Suzana (Potugal)
Pieck Mela (Pologne)
Salvado Maria (Argentine)
Segur Benoit et Irina (France/Russia)
Sifaoui Riadh (Tunisia)
Sikora Tomek (Pologne)
Stoll Catherine (France)
Tangi Myriam (Moroccco)
Telissi Maraa (Lybia)
Vidal Antonio (Spain/Tunisia)
Wacowski Piotr (Pologne)
Werda Rania (Tunisia)
Via [Du Photographique]
Labels: event
So I just talked to a Sony Rep that comes into my store ( I work for Best Buy) and I was asking him about the a900. He told me that the company had sent out preliminary pricing on the a900 about a month ago to the reps. He said its not nailed down yet but that they are aiming at the sub-$2000 market. Which would put it at less than half the price of the least expensive full frame camera available now (canon 5d @ $3000). Im not sure what to make of this or if I should believe this.....
Via [Dp review Forum]
If the rumour is true Sont Alpah A900 would the cheapest full frame DSLR ever, it would be even then the semi-pro eauipemnet then Sony is willing to stand in front of the giants in the heart of the digital imagery field.
A sample from the UNICEF collection "children of Africa" by [Giacomo Pirozzi]
Labels: Master piece of the Day
A plat ventre (French: lied in the ground) is a French photography experience started by a bunch of enthusiast young people, the idea is pretty simple get in the ground like a dead in the middle on an unexpected place / situation, in a middle of a crowd or next to monument such the Louvre or even in a groovy party, the first reaction is that you forget about the scene and the people around for a moment before focusing back to what's around all classified into 8 sections, a wonderland of the back body portrait.
Since I saw the site the idea of a photo experimentation is haunting me but it would be much weird to be practical here in Tunisia.
Go there and give a look [A plat Ventre]
Labels: experimental
An excellent black and white by [Zied]
Labels: Master piece of the Day
For two weeks starting May 23th, Al Marsa (A Tunis suburb)would be totally busy with arts: a lot of exhibitions of painting, sculpture and photography especially open for amateurs showing up their skills, a challenge is in the middle of the event, in fact last year's photography winner was Zied a close friend and an extremely talented photography who survived a film photography experience with a devil's eye. The deadline for sending the works is over and I may be doing something next year, I'm wiling to get there myself and take a look around.
A pre-selection is already available including a lot people I know:
Téja Guiza
Image de Tunisie II
Emna Chaabouni Profil
Harmel-Mezhoud Fethia
Trabelsi Faten
Evasion 2
Ben Soltane Mohamed
Location gratuite d’espace
Souissi Douraîd
Sans titre I
Sans titre II
Paatto Megdiche Jacqueline Fatima
Ben Saîd Amira Le Printemps
Les barques
Fakhfakh Yassine Damier
Equilibre Selon…
Chelbi Mondher Fernand
Ben Naouar Lobna Mosquée
Ellouze Yassine Filles
Bahri Imen Les couleurs de la vie
Ma Richesse
Shili Leîla Nature Morte
Sans Titre
Khrouf Kchaou Aîda Concept
Azaîez Khedija Café Expresse 1
Guiga Nebiha Soleil des moissons
Composition en violet
Ben Othman Med. El Hedi Impressions D’Afrique
Medini Mohamed Femme à la contrebasse
Mehiri Mounir L’arbre comme je le vois I
L’arbre comme je le vois II
Bennani Ines Sans Titre I
Sans Titre I
Soumer Henda Bécassine
Ben Jemaa Moncef Regard
Mosbah Chiraz Sans domicile fixe
Lueur Errante
Mahjoub Alia
La Lumière
Bouafif Jamila Nature Morte (Oignon)
Dziri Anis L’artiste
Sami Hedia Interruption
Yoann Cimier
Hosni Noura Théière
Feuille géante
Slim Zahra Désir Elle
Consommation télévisée
Bouzdira Hazar Vision
Ben Ayed Maya Entre les lignes I
Entre les lignes II
Gmach Nasri Takrouna
Chouchène Afifa
Un mot dans le vent
Mot libre
Labat Henri Black Mona
Sidommou Imed Sabbat
Chemin Obscure
Skik Rabaa Quarantaine
Saadi Tharouet Cadence
Ferchichi Miriam Danse contact
Lignes radioactives
Take a lokk at [Mars Arts(French)]
And thanks to Jeune Tunisiene to let me know.
Labels: event, exposition
A lighthouse in Djerba by [Eric Rousset]
Labels: Master piece of the Day
Photoblog des Tounisiens autour du monde stands for the French of Tunisians around the world photoblog is community workout started by Safone back in august 2007 in a move to gather the most of the photos taken by Tunisians around the world most of them locally and a the rest around the world, the photolog is gathering more than 30 bloggers and a hundreds of photos going from simple travel shots to professional artworks. The community is getting bigger and bigger and they do have the own Facebook group. Honestly I like the idea of having one place gatheri9ng all those photos but I did get disappointed by the quality and the disorder of the content, I would like to advice the guys to work on a little bit to brush up the design, put the credits of the photographers, give a little description of the photos and have rotating themes. Anyway I'm just glad to see such a work and give an applause to the contributors and hope the them good luck and more success.
Labels: tunisian photographer
Watching life pass by, Bizerte by [Nacho Hernandez]
Labels: Master piece of the Day
Last Saturday night, riding the empty metro with some jerk friends nd taking some memorial photos (refer to my photolog) when suddenly a security customer (usually assigned to the metro through the hottest nights with increasing violence in Saturdays and beyond the midnights service) get out the driver booth and told me :"taking photos in the train is prohibited !! give me your camera !", so my reaction was a big exclamation, my friends stood up and I told him that we were taking self photos, as he smelt the breeze of alcohol he gave up his fury.
The point is every time I tried to take a photo some guy usually the security forces, or even a simple employee, shows up and ask me to stop taking photos, as if I were shooting a nuclear plant or his daughter naked, damn world ! how can I practice photographing if everywhere my cam becomes a spy's gadget ?
As locals taking photos of the market, people, the little wood next to your city around is always are not welcome : they will ask you to stop, or who you are ? or in some extreme cases :"show me you ID !", ans so on, even I have developed many techniques of camouflage such as holding the cam in my hand and press the trigger, or try to find a hideout where nobody would notice me, or just talk with the people around creating some kind of friendship that leads to a unlimited photographing license, sometimes I have even paid to take shots.
Despite, If you're a tourist to a resident foreigner (or just look like), you'll just get smiles everywhere and take photos as free as a you were shooting your personnel garden, the police, or the people around won't disturb your open photo workshop : God Bless Tourism !
I don't understand this exaggerated awareness about the camera, or is it just about the media ? thus that most of the Tunisian think that all local photographers are working certainly for a newspaper, and their rear is justified as the press has been publishing unauthorized photos of many people without any permission for decades (the law has been fixed a few years ago), and all those photographers were pretending to be just making photos for joy or as souvenirs !
But the point is that Tunisian don't really understand photography, except wedding or ID portrait, here in this country we don't trust a man with a Camera, just because we don't know him or we haven't asked for his services, we don't see the photos with art issues as they could harm our life making us uncovered.
It's in the late years with the increasing popularity of the digital photography, that usual people shoot in the open air and that people are accepting those devices becoming a usual tool to memorize warm moments or just for fun, led by the outnumbering of the cell phones with camera, the freak is still on, but it's getting less expressed to avoid getting damned as a retarded and primate person.
For the police two main reasons are making photography a real state enemy:
First, as those toys cam make videos, they have lately a useful tool to many people who started a propaganda videos, sex scenes or event took shocking videos who instantly spread over the web. Two stories are making sense to this : Two high school teacher shoot their self while making love, and the other is about a dancing policeman.
Secondly, the terrorism threat is making our national security more aware of ... everybody, yes me and you and the guy pissing on the wall, as I've said before, we have no thought about art coming through photos, if you're making a photo of the metro, you're certainly getting ready to blow it, if you have take photos of an office, you'll certainly come by night and steal its precious documents and if it's not you, you'll certainly send it to someone else, if ever you have no intention to any of those terrifying actions, someone in the web will use you photos as a material to harm our beloved republic. In one word, we don't need your photos you can still make peaceful pencil drawings in a paper.
I have asked to colleagues graduated in law to find to make research and find me all about photography in the Tunisian law, the output will be published as soon as possible, and then I'll get rid or may be of all this stupid behavior.
Finally, I just want to say , that I want make photos for fun, I don't want to get nagged by a dirty bastard every time I tried to make an artistic photo,I don't want to harm none, and I'd like to hear from your experiences and how do you faces such problems.
This is just a republish of an article I did write 2 years ago, since that things haven't changed a lot.
Labels: tunis
A splendid shot as much as full portfolio in Tunisia by [Darek Lezandowski]
Labels: Master piece of the Day
Yeondoo Junf a Korean photographer tracking down all the time more exciting and relevant experience have a very spooky project based on children drawings that he have been able to turn into photos, a marvelous artwork.
The project was featuring a number of children drawing brought to life caring for the details, you know that kind of drawing: blue sky, shinning sun and grass, it's obliviously basic drawing that can make the most complicated task to make them real.
Take a look at [Wonderland 2005]
Labels: Yeondoo Junf
A lied nab under a tree shadow in Carthage by [Neil Rough]
Labels: Master piece of the Day
FotoArabia is a new Arab stock photography service dedicated to the Arab community of photographers and artists; that was just launched a few days ago from Kuwait.
The service aims to provide an online place for Arab photographers and artists around the world to submit their high-quality material and put it up for sale. On the other hand, FotoArabia will work on attracting interested buyers from the photo and graphic design market segments from around the world; such as newspapers, magazines, web publishers, and others to search for and buy photographs, illustrations and other artistic material through the website.
Buyers can purchase Download Credits from the FotoArabia store, with credits starting as low as $1 each, with a minimum purchase of $13; these credits are valid for one full year from the date of purchase and become less expensive when bought in bulk. Buyers can use these credits to download images for 1, 3, 5, or 10 credits, for x-small, small, medium, and large files respectively. Even larger resolution images are available, for 15 and 20 credits and video clips are available for 10 to 50 credits.
All uploaded files are inspected for quality and legal integrity before becoming available for sale; and the revenue generated from the sales is divided between the contributor and FotoArabia.
Via [Startup Arabia]
Labels: foroarabia
In the middle of nowhere, a famous and known couple of WC stand sin the heat of the Chot Jerid lagoon by [Alain Badoual]
Labels: Master piece of the Day
The macro is a typical and mysterious discipline charming more than the photo lover and that's where Slim's last works comes to show. a set of macro shots of traditional poetry and jewelery renovating the old and giving a modern view to things thoughts to be classical forever.
Even if I saw some technical faults in some shots, the exposition was excellent and worth going to, beside that it's just in time with the month of patrimony in fact one of the photos was chosen to stand in the next patrimony banner.
Take a look at [Slim Photos]
Labels: exposition, slim gomri
Tunisia, Summer 2006 by [David]
Labels: Master piece of the Day, portrait
As announced below, the Photo exposition gathering Manfred Ehrich & Claude Perez took start yesterday in El Teatro in the fever of the year of photo and I got you one word: Go there! have a look a splenedid set of works, amazing discoveryt of a ripped off art and magic:
- Manfred Ehrich works are a set of black and white composed in a dark room giving birth to harmonious shapes.
- Claude Perez is about photojournalism or documentary photo: a set of very old and rare takes all over the country with Jewish signature from Djerba, the best three photos he got were black and white portrait of the former president Bourguiba as my friend commented: "The godfather" that's how they looked like.
The hall is fulled with more than 200 photos (350 TND each) and the photographers themselves are there, such rare opportunity is worth some walk downtown, don't miss this exhibit.
Labels: Claude Perez, exposition, Manfred Ehrich
The R. Hizkia Synagogue, Djerba, Tunisia 1995 by [Micha Bar-Am]
Labels: Master piece of the Day
WHO ARE WE? A group of childhood friends from Mutuelleville (Tunis Tunisia), who lost contact due to various events: studies, moving over and other, but who finally reunited and are working on constructing together a project that will promote the contribution of each of them in his specific artistic domain. Our common point is to be Tunisians.
The Exhibit will be opened next Saturday, May 17, 2008 at 6:00pm in Tahar Haddad Club inside the old Media gathering a group of amateurs with a surprising talent.
Take a look at [Tuniversality in Mysapce]
Their Group [In Facebook]
Labels: exposition
By [Jacky Cooney]
Labels: Master piece of the Day
The inaugural New York Photo Festival (May 14–May 18, 2008) promises to deliver a dynamic, high-quality event in what is arguably the photographic capital of the world. The festival will celebrate both contemporary photography and the creative, inspirational talents of the people who produce this work.
This event was created by Frank Evers(VII Photo agency) Daniel Power (Powehouse) and stands as the best US photo conquest featuring a bunch of professional photographers, unfortunately I didn't any Tunisians or Arabs there.
More at [NYPF08]
Labels: festival
By [Wilmar]
Labels: Master piece of the Day
El Teatro is featuring a series of Photography exhibits this year as the main texture of the moment indeed this exposition comes in times after a little break,Manfred Ehrich & Claude Perez are showing up their works Tuesday, May 13, 2008 at 6:00pm in El Teatro for a week. Be there and share the art with among others fanatics.
Labels: elteatro, exposition