Featured Photograher : Slim El gombri

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Who is Slim Gomri?

...Born August 7, 1969, in Tunis, Gomri obtained a diploma in life and earth sciences and worked as a high school teacher in Tunis.

Involved in various projects from the beginning of his JCI career, Gomri became JCI Rades President in 1996...

Why is Gomri Involved in photography?

“My father was an amateur photographer,” says the past JCI Vice President. “As a child, I used to ‘play’ with his black and white pictures. Since then, I loved this ‘magical machine’ and started using it later. I also welcomed and adapted to the arrival of digital photography.”

Gomri considers photography a passion. “It’s a way to express thoughts, ideas, and opinions,” he says. “It’s a wonderful tool that lets you share unique and unforgettable moments, places and situations with others.”

He also considers photography a means to promote social progress. “Photography is a very powerful tool,” says Gomri. “As an intern in a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) in Washington, D.C., I was amazed to see projects involving youth and photography to deal with issues like corruption and conflict resolution.”

When asked for advice on how to succeed in photography, Gomri said, “There is no mystery with photography. Just like anything in life, to succeed you have to love what you’re doing and be yourself.”

Why the Exhibit in Washington, D.C.?

Gomri loves Tunisia. “I live in a nice country, small but diverse and full of colors and light,” he says. “I wanted to share this diversity with Americans, interest them in my country, and make them curious and willing to discover Tunisia. I will also try to deliver my view of my country to the visitors of the exhibition.”

“My humble goal is to contribute, through photography, to building cultural bridges and enhancing understanding and dialogue between citizens of the United States and Tunisia,” explains Gomri. “More dialogue and more exchanges remove fear, misunderstanding and seeds of conflicts, and contribute to a better world. I also hope to break many stereotypes on both sides and contribute to dialogue through photography.”

Via [JCI news]

[Slim Flickr Galleries]
[Slim Official site]

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